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Welcome Erika Flowers

Welcome Erika Flowers

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Erika Flowers to the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance (NCJAA) Steering Group.

Erika has a lived experience of the Criminal Justice System and experience of the arts within this, from both a beneficial point of view and in participatory capacity in the form of her voluntary and contractual relationships with Koestler Trust.

I am passionate about the arts and am actively seeking to become involved in organisations such as the NCJAA in order to apply what I have learned and experienced in a positive and informative way in order to help create better opportunities for those who wish to pursue creative outlets through the arts whilst in prison and following release.

Click here to see Erika’s work

Our Steering Group meet 5 times a year to represent the membership and help shape the work and priorities of the NCJAA. You can learn more the Group here